Visualizing Convolutional Neural Networks using nolearn

We previously talked about Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and how use them to recognize handwritten digits using Lasagne. While we can manually extract kernel parameters to visualize weights and activation maps (as discussed in the previous post), the nolearn package offers an easy way to visualize different elements of CNNs. nolearn is a wrapper around Lasagne … Read moreVisualizing Convolutional Neural Networks using nolearn

Handwritten digit recognition with a CNN using Lasagne

Following my overview of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in a previous post, now lets build a CNN model to 1) classify images of handwritten digits, and 2) see what is learned by this type of model. Handwritten digit recognition is the ‘Hello World’ example of the CNN world. I’ll be using the MNIST database of … Read moreHandwritten digit recognition with a CNN using Lasagne